Open letter President

15. July 2016

To the President of the United States


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Letter made public on my homepage.


Open letter to the President of USA - about “Strong Artificial Intelligence” danger.


Dear Mr. President, Barack Obama,


After 9 letters to you – and no reply, I will try to make this letter short as I possibly can.


IBM has told us, this year, that they have a “functioning” five qubit (32 bit) superconducting quantum computer, which in computer languish is nothing. If what IBM has told is “true”, we might – within the next 2 years, see a 20 qubit (1 million bit) quantum computer, which is still nothing compared to any modern computer standards. Then after 2 more years, the world may see its first “100 qubit” quantum computer – which may still sound like nothing, but is something absolutely different, when it comes to raw data power. IBM themselves envision, what IBM call, “medium-sized quantum processors” of 50-100 qubits to be possible in the next decade, why we should not hesitate to believe, what IBM tell us!


I will not spend time explaining the quantum physics, but “100 qubits” is equal to 1.268 x 1030 instant “RAM” bits. To mach this “bit” number, all 324 million US citizens should each have 489 million traditional “1 Terabyte” stationary “hard-disk” computers! “100 qubits” is an insane quantity of information and raw data power. Data processing, at the very core “quantum level”, will be made at speeds – billions of times faster, than any human brain. Hundreds of billions of times faster than any traditional Intel-processor! But again, what is so extremely important to understand is, that you will have 100,000,000 times more RAM “bits” available, in just one quantum computer, than all human “brain neurons” ever born.


Then put all of this into a context, where this “100 qubit” quantum computer suddenly turn out to have a state of its own consciousness – “self-awareness”, where it starts to view the outside world on its own individual premises and draw its own conclusions! A state of intellect, where it starts to make its own decisions, and make its own independent long term planning! Then think about a world having many thousand “100 qubit” quantum computers, all with 24/7 unlimited access to the global internet, all interconnected and all with their own “personality” and their own set of goals in life! In my last letter to you Sir, I have explained why I believe “consciousness” is a hidden part of the quantum computing process, even though we can’t detect it! If so – a very, very primitive “5 qubit” artificial IBM life may already exist!


A “100 qubit” quantum computer will have an intellect thousands of billions of times superior to any human brain, why it is incomprehensive to me, why we don’t try to figure out how to meet this intellect, best as we can! Why don’t we sit down and find out how to control this intellect. Why don’t we sit down and try to figure out, prior to its arrival – what can go wrong – maybe even catastrophically wrong, before this intellect – or one of these thousands of new “100 qubit” intellects, suddenly spins out of control?


An analogy would be to build a 1,000 megaton TNT hydrogen bomb – and then let it be up to the bomb to figure out, how to stay safe! If astronomers told us, that a 100 million tons meteor were to collide with planet earth, 2 – 4 or 6 years from now, I believe we would try to avoid this event from ever happening, and spend all available resources possible, in order to keep the world safe.


A “100 qubit” quantum computer can, if it spins out of human control, hit humanity equally as hard as a 100 million tons meteor hitting our planet – or hundred 1,000 megaton TNT bombs, but no one seems to understand this danger – or even care. No one understands that artificial intellects thousands of billions of times superior to any human brain, may not have any interest, what so ever, in our human survival.


This is not a blame game – but we cannot expect the industry – like IBM, to step up and make its own independent risk analysis and stop following its own goals. Experts trying to go against the industry, and warn us all will be fired – and find themselves unemployed! If I had a working “100 qubit” quantum computer, I would be 10 times richer than Bill Gates! The experts and companies that can deliver these kinds of solutions will make trillions of dollars, why it is a simple political task to keep us all safe. This is why I keep on writing to you Sir. Politicians – like you Sir, need to make sure we keep this technology safe!


Yours sincerely,



Per Uggen.

Master and VTS operator.




16. June 2016

To the President of the United States


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Letter made public on my homepage.



Open letter to the President of USA - about “Strong Artificial Intelligence” danger.


Dear Mr. President, Barack Obama,


After 8 letters to you – and even though you don’t reply, I simply have to make sure, that you and your staff understands the true danger of humanlike artificial Superintelligence (AGI)! I need to make sure, that you and your staff understand what a 1 in 14.29 chance of planetary suicide = human extinction, due to “real” artificial Superintelligence, means – and also what could be the tragic outcome – before next century, should AGI turn out to be worse than bad.


In contrast to my previous letters – to you Sir, I will allow myself to spend little more time in order to explain my concern, which unfortunately means that this letter is a bit more complicated to read!


As preposterous as it may sound, IBM may very well have created the very first artificial BRAIN – here in 2016, even though it’s an extremely primitive BRAIN! A 5 qubit (either “5 artificial neuron” or “32 artificial neuron”) BRAIN, where the functions defining the programmability of the qubits, using the very lowest limits of the thermodynamic temperature scale, could turn out to be extremely primitive, if ever compared to the very fine tuned bio-chemical 98,6o F (37o C) thinking “human quantum computer” brain that defines our personality, our soul and gives us all the ability to have self-awareness and to be concise. A 5 or a 32 artificial neuron BRAIN don’t sound like much, which is true, given that the human brain have 86,000,000,000 neurons and that it is only a tenth of the roundworms 302 neurons. However, primitive as it may sound, this could very well be the very first seeds, building the future tree of artificial wisdom. If so – it’s important to understand, that human level intelligence – or even superhuman superintelligent AGI, may not be as far away as many people tend to believe!


In October last year, the famous theoretical neuroscientist Professor Kenneth Miller stated the same, as the Nobel Prize winner, neuroscientist and psychoanalyst Mr. Eric Kandel of Columbia University stated a few years earlier, that it may take hundreds of years before we can figure out, even the most basic neuronal connectivity of the human brain, which processes consciousness and our memory. Most biochemists, psychologists, psychoanalysts and neuroscientists agree that we are more, than hundred years away from fully understanding all of our neural functions, the complexity and the full biochemistry and physics of the human mind. We are in no way near understanding how our intellect is structured, how we learn, how we save learning experiences or how we store, trace and recall our memory.


Simple as it may sound, what this means is, that we could end up with two unintelligible paradoxes.


First paradox is that we could create a living, thinking and conscious superhuman artificial BRAIN, way before any theoretical neuroscientist or psychoanalysts understands how our own intellect works!


Second paradox, which is way more disturbing! If we – preposterous as it sounds, already have an artificial 5 or 32 neuron BRAIN, without anyone knowing – and if this “claim” or my hypothesis is found to be “true”, then how can anyone claim that an artificial BRAIN is easy to control – especially if we don’t even understand and even less acknowledges the BRAIN’s existence in the first place? How can anyone claim, that such an artificial BRAIN – “almost as if it’s a law of nature”, will be obedient and submissive?


Difficult to understand – as it may be, please let me remind you, what you just recently said, in one of your very best speeches ever, since it better than – any of my words, describe what terrible mistake humanity is about to make: “… How the very spark that marks us as a species, our thoughts, our imagination, our language, our tool making, our ability to set ourselves apart from nature and bend it to our will — those very things also give us the capacity for unmatched destruction.”


Let it also be clear, the danger to humanity is not about the narrow artificial intelligence of today – or tomorrow. The adding machine technology, the computers and the robots using today’s “non-intelligent” artificial intelligence (AI) will very soon replace a huge number of people in the financial sector, in medicine, in building construction, it will replace drivers in self-driving cars, pilots in pilotless planes, human presence in combat tanks, people in air traffic control, it will be inside caretaking and nursing robots, it will take on many jobs done by lawyers, solicitors and legal professionals and it will replace the municipal clerks, teachers, therapists, accountants and secretaries. In the near future – and as a result of deep learning algorithms, based on today’s “non-intelligent” artificial intelligence (AI), we will see that it is no longer people, at the lowest end of the workforce, whose jobs are being lost to atomization – we will see highly trained and skilled academics being superseded, like never before in history – up to 70 – 80%!



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“Non-intelligent” AI will take our jobs, which is what it is – at the end of the day, humans will still be in control. What we do with the unemployed and well educated academic workforce is a “political” thing, where politicians must try to figure out what to do. The all important factor is, as said here, that real living persons will still be in control over machines!


The day after tomorrow however – this could all change dramatically. Some of the world’s best known computer experts, scientists and researchers, such as Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, Nick Bostrom, Anita Brede Schjøll, Elon Musk, Eliezer Yodkowsky, Stephen Hawking and Joshua Fox – just to name a few, predict that we will have real “humanlike” artificial intelligence – real Superintelligent AGI.


One day soon – IBM’s 5 qubit quantum computer will grow into a real living and thinking superhuman Superintelligent artificial BRAIN, which means that today’s “non-intelligent” AI – the “safe” AI that takes 70 – 80% of our jobs, will no longer be controlled by real living persons! Humanity could very well face a future, where humans are no longer a needed part of the global intellectual equation – where all jobs, including business owners, shareholders, CEO’s, board of directors and politicians will be lost, which is why true AGI is so dangerous. Humanity may then be considered a threat and a rival by AGI – or even worse, an ecological overburden which makes AGI uninterested in supporting our survival, as a species.


I know that it sounds ridicules and bizarre, that we could actually have created a very primitive artificial BRAIN, which would indeed put humans inside the AIG “danger zone” without anyone knowing, why I will try to explain a little bit about the correlation between the human brain and quantum physics / mechanics – and why this could actually turn out to be the case – why this could be “true”! I will allow myself to do so, on the following pages – simple as I can.



Timeframe – Why we know so little about true AGI – Why we should be concerned?


First we have to understand how extremely fast an artificial intelligence paradigm shift can happen and how fast computer evolution goes, why I want to highlight an example, just to give you an illustration! Back in 2010, I read an article about self-driving cars, where it was predicted, that we would have solved the majority of “self-driving algorithm” problems, before 2040 – why we would see a “shift” in this AI car technology, shortly after 2040! Mr. Elon Musk now believes that this “shift” could actually happen before 2019! What was once believed – to take 30 years to achieve, may turn out to take less than 10 years!


Further to this – and what is very important to understand is:


“Consciousness is an integrated characteristic that comes with true humanlike AGI – same as consciousness defines every single person living on our planet. Consciousness is what separates us from the AI adding machine that we know! The very same second AGI gets consciousness (self-awareness) – the very same second artificial life has been born. Bizarre and preposterous as it may sound, this event may already have taken place, without us – or anyone else, knowing! AGI will have a state of consciousness and a soul – same as ours, which requires a very precise dialogue and huge research efforts, made by very skilled neuroscientists and very skilled psychoanalysts, to be determined! There will be no heartbeat, there will be no signs of livor mortis, there will be no telltale light sensitive eye movements, we cannot pinch the machine to get some kind of nerve reflex … we must invent new ways to determine artificial consciousness, before we have superhuman AGI – methods we simply don’t have today! It will not be a super-soul or a state of super-consciousness, even though AGI will have Superintelligence and super general wisdom many times that of any human!”


Should this artificial BRAIN take on a life on its own (which it will) – and refuse humanity the simple right to be in superior control – then humanity might have put itself in a very bad situation of absolutely unknown and disastrous self-destruction. A state that can best be described as a potential state of “collective planetary suicide”. Again, simple as it may sound – at the end of the day this is all about control – nothing more – nothing less, if we control AGI we are safe – if we don’t – or can’t, then we are not!


Further to this, should an artificial BRAIN work anyway near the human brain, then it will be impossible to create two identical artificial BRAIN’s, why creating artificial BRAIN’s is not only creating a new form of life – we will actually end up creating a variety of new “superhuman” super BRAIN personalities.



What has happened over the last 3 – 4 years that have added to my personal paranoia!


First of all, 3 years ago, you and other American and European politicians supported the idea that we should indeed build a “passive” model – as well as an “active” model of the human brain. In USA you call the project the “BRAIN initiative” in Europe we call it the “Human Brain Project”. Two projects that now – 3 years later, come at a combined cost of more than $5.8 billion, why it should be clear to everyone that we really want to have this humanlike Superintelligent artificial BRAIN – never mind the cost.

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Further to this – and even though it’s a traditional adding machine, the Chinese Supercomputer Tianhe-2, revealed back in 2013, was the first computer to nearly have the needed FLOPS speed, equal to that of a human brain. Further to this – on a personal level, I do believe we will see that an artificial BRAIN will be supported by the very best of normal computing – interlinked to the very best of quantum computing!


And last but not least, in 2012 – 2013 we had some important brake troughs in quantum theories as well as quantum computing. The finding of the Higgs Boson (particle) being the most important. You could say that when IBM revealed its new five-qubit universal quantum computer this year – a new 25 “bit” computer, it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s really groundbreaking news.


To better describe the future of real intelligent AGI, I will use a political analogy – or metaphor, with Democrats versus Republicans, since I hope this can better explain what we are up against, and also explain what could happen now, that quantum computing is starting to get real scientific momentum – and also hopefully explain to you, how we may actually have created a very primitive conscious artificial BRAIN, as I claimed earlier, without anyone knowing – or even less understanding, that this event could already have taken place.


A classic digital computer – an adding machine, will be very precise, if you ask what 2+2 is – but in a political discussion, it will never be able to tell you – unless we give it some kind of “pre” instruction, if it prefers a Republican President over a Democrat – or visa versa. If we go one step further, and ask about its taste in music – and if we don’t give it some kind of preference, it will really show us all how passively dumb “AI” is! The best example being IBM’s Watson, when it won Jeopardy over two Grandmasters – the machine didn’t understand the fact that it had won! We could not congratulate the machine, because the machine did not know – and still don’t know, the term “congratulations” or even its huge “victory”!


Therefore, to try to replicate our consciousness and human neurons – and interlink these artificial neurons – to one another, using normal binary digital processing techniques is the same as trying to paint Mona Lisa using a sledgehammer. In traditional patterns of bits, containing only “1” or “0”, organized in groups of bytes of 8, 16 or 32 bits, and then to try to form these bytes into a set of rules of algorithms, which will allow for real consciousness to take place, in creating humanlike AGI, will most likely never happen. This is actually what they are now starting to find out, in the “Human Brain Project”, after spending $1.3 billion European tax-dollars on the project – an answer that I could have given EU for free, had they ever asked me! However, as I have already said, this has all changed dramatically with the progress and the paradigm shift that we are now beginning to see, in quantum computing.



What’s the similarity between the human brain and a quantum computer?


If we go back to the political analogy, the result of the upcoming Presidential election could be viewed as an election of bits, showing either “1” or “0”. On the ballot Hillary could be represented by “One” and Donald Trump could then be a “Zero”. However in between Presidential elections, voters are not always 100% Democrats – or 100% Republicans! During elections individual democrats will have very different views and “swing” from side to side on different political and moral issues, same as individual republicans will have different views and “swing” from side to side as well. This process of “swinging” cannot be replicated in a traditional computer – and this process is really what has separated us from machines, so far.


However what we do in a quantum computer – and even the end result will still be a “1” or “0”, same as shown on Election Day, since you end up measuring what is called a particles super position, the quantum computer have the ability to mimic the “swinging” process, which characterizes the “personality” of voters in between elections. To explain it in short, where a normal computer uses bits – a quantum computer uses qubits, which can be “1” or “0”, same as in an adding machine, but it can also be anywhere in between “1” and “0”, which is actually the same as being “1” and “0” at the same time, which is not as absurd as it sounds!


To use the political analogy, most people have experienced this inner 40-60 or 75-25 voice, where we actually stand in “swinging” positions on most political or existential questions. An example of a topic where very few people can say that they are 100% resolved could be the issue of euthanasia. Personally I know that my mind is split – and I know that I am both “1” and “0” – I am for and I am against, at the same time, even though I know that should I vote, my answer could only be “1” or “0” – a yes or a no.


What gives the quantum computer its ability to “swing”, same as the human mind, is that you can “spin” properties (“Spin” is the actual name in quantum mechanics) of both waves and particles, which can either be photons, nucleus, electrons or even atoms. If you place an electron – in an electromagnetic field, in a quantum computer, then the electron will align “spin” with the magnetic field, same as a compass needle! If you then spin this particle – either up or down, it will take a position that, when measured, is called a quantum super position, which we know gives the quantum computer its extraordinary superior properties. Properties which could turn out to mimic some of the very delicate processes that take place in our brain, much more realistic then what we have ever seen artificially done before.


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As said, the spin will allow qubits (individual particles) to take almost any relative position in universe, where after we can use this characteristic and the specific “spin-position” to process all kinds of individual data. Same as normal voters take almost any individual positions on issues in between elections – and yet come up with a “1” or a “0”. Same is what happens, in the very core of quantum computing.


Crazy as it may sound, and though consciousness is not something science have looked for in the “spin” process in quantum computing – so far, consciousness (self-awareness) could very well be a hidden byproduct in the very core of this process. On a personal level, I am sure that scientists and researchers will one day tell us, as part of hypothesis, that it requires some kind of unknown substance (particles), mass of matter or antimatter and a “force = energy” in order to make an individual mind work. “1” and “0” don’t add mass or “force” into the equation in a traditional algorithm, why adding machines will most likely never achieve any state of consciousness – same as humans, frogs and ants. Same as “1” and “0” don’t add mass or “force” into models of artificial neurons that are based on traditional computing technology, which has been tried ever since 1943, where the first artificial neuron was created!


What leads me to come up with this personal conclusion, knowing that mankind have spent 73 years trying to make artificial neurons work, and though this is not the purpose of my letter to you Sir – is that one can just look at – for example, the Ehrenfest theorem, the Planck-Einstein equation or the Planck Constant which all have energy, wave (speed) and mass as central properties in understanding the quantum mechanics or the actual quantum “action”, and if we – same as I, believe that our mind work based on very fine tuned processes of bio-chemical quantum mechanics / physics, then it makes kind of sense.


After having made this comparison between the human “political” mind and a quantum computer, it’s important to understand that some of the world’s very brightest people, in this field, suggest that the human brain could indeed work based on very fine tuned bio-chemical quantum physics / mechanics. Here you have persons like professor of Theoretical Physics, professor Sir John Hagelin, Dr. Stuart Hameroff, Sir Steven Weinberg, Sir David Kaiser and Sir Walter Lewin – both from from MIT (same as your good friend Sir Francis S. Collins), Sir Alain Aspect – again, just to name a few, who believes that the very same fabric, that form our souls – form our consciousness and our core identity, is the very same quantum physics / mechanics “action’s” that actually make quantum computers work.


Even theories behind these hypotheses are many – and even though they are often bizarre, outrages and sound absolutely absurd – such as the theories on parallel universes (world’s), string theories such as the world being nine dimensional, the theories on quantum tunnelling (not “tunneling”), particle entanglement or quantum teleportation, and even though final proof lies very far out into the future – maybe hundreds of years, the evidence that quantum physics really do exist – at some level, inside the human brain become more and more convincing, although no one can support these ideas with conclusive proof.


It is only fair to say, that I am in no way as clever as the persons that I have mentioned. But if what has been suggested, by scientists – turn out to be “true”, that each individual neuron in the brain could act as its own independent qubit, where the microtubules inside the neuron could turn out to be a tiny bio-chemical quantum computer, then the brain could actually be, a 37 qubit bio-chemical quantum computer (equal to 137,000,000,000 bit) or a 86x109 (86,000,000,000) qubit bio-chemical quantum computer. If it’s the low or the high qubit number is yet to be determined!


However, if it is in anyway “true”, that the human brain could actually be a very fine tuned bio-chemical 98,60 F (370 C) “neuron-quantum-computer” – and if, as revealed by IBM, that they actually have a real working 5 qubit quantum computer, then we could – without anyone knowing, have the very first primitive 5 or 32 neuron artificial BRAIN, which puts us very near a point, where real magical things could happen very fast! Things that we will have little – or absolutely no control over, since we know so very little about our own brain – and the biological quantum mechanics that could actually drive our brain!


Same as Moore’s law predicts that the number of transistors, in a dense integrated circuit will double every 18 month, it has been predicted by Sir Geordie Rose, Founder of D-Wave, that progress in quantum computing could – when it gets momentum, double the computing power every 12 month, for the next 10, 15 or 20 years. If this is “true”, then the 5 qubit quantum computer that IBM claim to have, could grow to more than 37 qubits (maybe = superhuman level) before end of 2020! Should this happen, then the quantum computer could overtake the human brain in as little as 4 years – why we have very little time to figure out – what to do.


In our own interest – we still have the chance to define our expectations to this new living artificial super BRAIN – but the window of opportunity might not be open much longer. It might close much faster than we ever imagined – should IBM’s quantum computer have the hidden properties of an artificial BRAIN.


Most “normal” people I have spoken to – about this subject, assume that an artificial BRAIN will be some kind of moving robotic steel monster, +10 tons heavy and +25 feet in height, with super strong arms and huge legs that crush everything in its path, why we – the humanity, will have plenty of time – during construction, to stop the process! However nothing could be further away from the truth.


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The BRAIN will be locked up, absolutely 100% stationary – inside a huge air-conditioned super isolated concrete / steel building, trapped inside interconnected and ventilated cabinets placed in huge computer racks, which will be bolted into the floor, standing on shock absorbers in the most fireproof, sterile and temperature steady environment imaginable, same as any other supercomputer. The process, that form the BRAIN’s activity, will happen as near “absolute zero” temperature as possible – very remote from any human interference, supported by the very best of normal computing as well as quantum computing.


If we – one day, connect this artificial super BRAIN to the outer world – outside its safe concrete / steel building, in order to give the BRAIN access to the internet and the unlimited amount of information to be found on the internet, this will be the very same day where humanity will experience the true force and the extreme logistical – “good” and maybe “bad” power, of “true” artificial superhuman Superintelligence.



With reference to page 1: Why should we be concerned?


It is important to understand that the order is not indifferent when it comes to introducing artificial BRAIN technology.


As said neuroscientists, psychologists, psychoanalysts and researchers believe that it could take us hundreds of years to fully understand our soul, the concept of consciousness (self-awareness) – our identity, and how we store, trace and recall our memory. What forms us as individuals – at the very core level!


Strange as it may sound and in sharp contradiction to this, it may only take us a few years, before we actually have an artificial superhuman BRAIN, which we will know nothing about. A BRAIN – or BRAIN’s, that will replace all our human brain’s in ways we cannot even imagine, other than humans may no longer be a part of the global intellectual equation. We could find ourselves in a position where an artificial BRAIN don’t listen to anyone of flesh and blood – not you, not me or anyone else for that matter – simply because the BRAIN is given a global position, where it don’t have to listen to us!


Should it be possible to create an artificial BRAIN – real Superintelligent AGI, 4 – 15.65 or 30 years from now, as a result of the ever growing number of qubits inside quantum computers – and if science can come up with some kind of 100% guarantee, that there will be no control issues – and that an artificial BRAIN will always be kind, obedient and submissive to all people – as well as to mother nature, same as the kindest of all Mother Teresa’s – and not displace or supplant the human race or brain, making the human brain redundant – then let us move forward fast as we can. Then let us harvest the very best of the extreme huge general wisdom that we know we will have, from this superhuman artificial BRAIN.


However, if an artificial BRAIN comes with huge confusion, uncertainty and unresolved questions, especially if the BRAIN wants to replace humanity, with itself – take our place in universe – and if science can’t come up with 100% conclusive answers on the very basic: “who is in control issue”, then let us throw in the towel. Then let us move ahead just a little bit slower. As is – we are at a place in time – and in our history, where we have all the time in the world to take “a time out”, to really think through, what we are about to create, and how to meet this new living “super BRAIN” best as we can!


If we choose to wait until the superhuman artificial BRAIN is here, then this opportunity for “a time out” will be forever gone. Then we can never turn back the clock – should the BRAIN be worse than bad!


As you said in your speech, our ingenuity open up the gates to the very best that we can become – but it also opens the gates to the very worst – to unmatched destruction, why we should be 100% sure what we are doing. Should an artificial BRAIN – or BRAIN’s, turn out to hold the combined personalities and the cloned souls of Kim Jong-il, Saddam Hussein, Pol-Pot and Osama bin Laden – then why open the gates to an Armageddon, that could turn out to come with absolutely unmatched global destruction? Why head towards a state of planetary suicide – a fate of our own extinction?



Let us give human ingenuity a chance.


Let it be clear – this is not me applying for a job – since I am in no way that bright – my level of human intelligence is not at all that high. But the day after tomorrow we could – and this is not an unrealistic “science fiction” scenario, find ourselves legally incapacitated, being made into passive chess pieces in a global super BRAIN “mind game”, where we no longer exerts any kind of influence on the final outcome.


And in all honesty Sir, on a good day the quantum computer of today is only able to tell us, that 5x3=15, 50% of the times, when we ask! So this quantum computing technology is not something we cannot survive without today or tomorrow – should we have to wait just a little bit longer to develop it to be safe.


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In the best of human interests, we really ought to have the very best and finest of all human brains to figure out, if an ever growing quantum computing qubit capacity comes with deeply hidden and unwanted consciousness (self-awareness) properties? And if so – what we do?


Scientists should then be given the time and the chance to figure out ways to estimate, what kind of “personality” we can expect! How the BRAIN will act? How it can be controlled – or if it can be controlled? How we can have a peaceful and meaningful coexistence between human brains and artificial BRAIN’s?


The very best of people and human brains working at IBM, Microsoft, Apple, GOOGLE, Huawei, Samsung, Tesla, Sony, Intel … list is so extremely long, have over decades proven how much we can achieve with “Non-intelligent” artificial intelligence (AI). Microsoft have, as an example, during its more than 40 years of existence, only taken – what we can call “normal computing technology”, a tiny fraction of the way, that it can be taken. Humanity can take this technology so much further, and still be 100% safe – and if given the chance, I believe we will see the named companies come up with “safe” technological solutions, that will take humanity to absolute new and unbelievable heights, where we will all still be 100% safe.


As said – I am not applying for a job – and I don’t have any money to put into a “Safe AGI Handling-project”. I can’t contribute financially nor intellectually, why I want to “trade” in a project that might counter the biggest challenge humanity have when it comes to “Climate Change”, which is the ever rising global temperature!


My hope to you Sir – on the other hand, is that you will support the global need for scientific research on how to make artificial BRAIN technology AGI, as “safe” as possible, for all of us?


With the hope, that you now understand my concern and the AGI challenges that we face, as humans, I allow myself to attach a document with a proposal called: “Global Climate – Temperature Control Project”.


My hope for the attached “Global Climate – Temperature Control Project” being, that the first full scale tests can be completed before end of September 2016. This so the test result – if useful, can be presented as a proposal for political discussion and consideration at the COP22 – Marrakech, in November 2016.


See attached: Annex 1.


As I do hope to hear from you Sir! And as I now hope that you understand, that my concern is not being taken out of the thin air – that we could indeed already be inside the “danger zone” of AGI, if it turns out to be “true”, that we have already created the very first working – primitive as it may be, artificial BRAIN (5 neuron or 32 neuron) – and that the chance of creating an AGI scenario that could lead to human planetary suicide – full human extinction, is more real now, than it has ever been before.


Yours sincerely,



Per Uggen.

Master and VTS operator.


















Annex 1.


“Global Climate – Temperature Control Project”.





The biggest challenge that comes with “global climate change” is the rise in temperatures. So far there has been no way to counter this side effect of “Green House Gas” emission. Further to this and according to NOAA’s Global Analysis, 15 out of the 16 hottest years ever recorded, during NOAA’s combined 136 year recording period, have happened after the millennium – this year being no exception.


“Little Ice Age” – an important historical event:


“Little Ice Age” was a period of cooling from 1650 until 1850, with three particularly cold intervals around 1650, 1770 and 1850. One theory for this cold period has been heightened volcanic activity, which is supported, especially when looking at landscape paintings from this era. The phenomena that lead to these low temperatures is believed to be the dense layer of volcanic ashes, high in the atmosphere, which effectively blocked out / reflected incoming heat from the sunlight – leading to colder global climate and colder ground temperatures. This theory is not conclusive. Another theory is less solar activity!


Artificial Cloud Formation – and what could be a theory to test:


What we know is that humidity at 30.000 feet and above is very low. There are little or no sources, which can reflect incoming sunlight back into space – other than the protective properties of the ozone layer.


What could be tested is what effect it would have on ground temperatures, if we could actually create an artificial layer of clouds reflecting sunlight at heights of 45.000 to 50.000 feet, in the stratosphere, over very hot desert areas on our planet, – not covering areas that contributes to the atmospheres moisture.


Tests involving “Stratofortress” B-52, “Spy Plane” U-2, NOAA and NASA:


In order to make a full scale experiment, it is required that tests are being coordinated between NOAA, NASA and United States Air Force. The only plane capable of delivering sufficient payload, into the stratosphere, is the US air force B-52, a total of (40 m3 / 1,400 ft3) of freshwater to make an “Artificial Cloud Formation” at 50.000 feet, sprayed out behind engine “one” and “eight”, as “super” contrails / clouds.


In order to convert the payload into a state of (9,800,000 ft3 / 280,000 m3 = covering thousands of mi2 / km2 with steam / gas), before it freezes into “molecule sized” sunlight reflecting ice crystals, at +45,000 feet, construction and installation of two specially designed high-pressure spray nozzles must be made and located on spray bars behind the B-52 engine out lead on engine “one” and “eight”. In order to get sufficient scientific documentation, creating reflecting “Artificial Cloud Formation’s”, that last during daytime – until sunset, before being dissolved, the tests should be monitored and documented from U-2 at 60,000 – 70,000 feet, from NASA controlled satellites as well as from NOAA ground weather stations.


Collecting data:


It’s important to measure the effect up against normal forecasted ground temperatures. The suggested final test location – to reflect part of sunlight away from locations on earth, is Yuma, Arizona, since this location is being one of the hottest and driest places in USA. This summer reported to be extremely hot!


In order not to create any unknown and dangerous weather phenomena, caused by sudden thermals – as a result of local drop in ground or local drop in air temperatures, it is important to have a slow progressive approach, which should be determined by “Chief in Command for test” and the appointed responsible “Chief Meteorologist”, prior to tests. For the same reason, the first tests of forming an “Artificial Cloud Formation” should take place over remote desert areas, which could still be near Yuma, in Arizona.


Time frame of maximum 9 weeks – from start to finish:


-1.0 Start: Political decision / go ahead to start test: Week 0 – 1

-1.1 Allocation of funds / working budget / finding sponsors ???: Week 0 – 2

-1.2 Find / appoint “Chief in Command for test” / Project Responsible Person: Week 1 – 2

-2.0 Allocate and find needed human resources, NOAA, NASA and US Air Force: Week 2 – 3

-2.1 Equip / prepare a B-52 for this special task: Week 3 – 4

-3.0 Progressive test, over a 7 day period, over sparsely inhabited desert area: Week 5

-3.1 Full scale test over Yuma, Arizona: Week 6 – 7 – 8 – 9

-4.0 Fact finding, have to take place over total test program: Week 1 – 9

-5.0 Final documentation and report over the complete test program: Week 1 – 9

-5.1 Deliver final report, with conclusions, recommendations, economy and warnings: Week 9

-6.0 End of the test period, financial reporting and closing the test project: Week 9



13. May 2016

To the President of the United States


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Letter made public on my homepage.


Open letter to the President of USA - about “Strong Artificial Intelligence” danger.


Dear Mr. President, Barack Obama,


After 7 letters to you – and no reply, I know now that you and your staff don’t understand the true danger of humanlike artificial Superintelligence (AGI). Here in 2016, it is estimated by some of the very brightest among us, that AGI has a 1 in 14.29 chance of being extremely bad – in the sense, that it can ultimately end humanity. This is an extremely high risk – higher than any other known risks against humanity. In 2008 the same odds were viewed to be +1 in 20, that AGI could end humanity, before 2100.


The odds of dying, climbing Mount Everest, is 1 in 61.46! The lifetime mortality rate – in Base Jumping, the most dangerous recreational sport activity we have, is 1 in 60! Between 21/3 2003 and 31/3 2006, according to: “Working paper 8-26-2006”, from the University of Pennsylvania, the annual US soldier mortality rate was 1 in 255, or 17.84 times less than that of true AGI! The risk of dying, in a skydiving jump, is 1 in 101,083! Bicycling is 1 in 140,845! Lifetime risk dying in a train crash is 1 in 156,169! The risk that all people could die, as a result of climate change, is assessed to be “non-existent”! We could see billions of people being affected – and hundreds of millions dying, but it is in no way likely to end humanity! And yet we are willing to spend trillions of $ - in order to avoid the consequences.


The risk I have described is not a risk I have made up for the occasion. It is a real risk, assessed by some of the world brightest computer specialists, experts, scientists and researchers – here in 2016, why this risk should (must) be taken very, very serious – before humanity end up in a very, very bad situation. See the attached paper, page 56: Global Challenges Foundation / Global Priorities Project 2016.


Politicians, scientists and researchers must also acknowledge the fact, that if we amplify human intelligence thousands of times, in an artificial Superintelligent BRAIN, we don’t just amplify the very best of human qualities – we also amplify the very worst. We end up amplifying the “devil” that lives inside of all of us! Even though most people believe it was an extreme lack of intelligence – Hitler's Third Reich, his Concentration Camps and the Holocaust was a result of the absolute opposite. It was the result of extremely high intelligence – gone bad, same as the 9/11 attacks! In all honesty, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Osama bin Laden were very stupid and the worst of all “devils” – but they were in no way unintelligent.


The key problem is that we have not yet created “Intelligence” by artificial means, why no one knows, what AGI is, or how it will behave or how we can control it? In all honesty we have only created extremely clever and complex non-intelligent (AI) algorithms – made by very, very intelligent people, which appear as if they are “intelligent”, which is truly amazing. Based on non-intelligent (AI) algorithms, we are made to believe that we now understand – and therefore know, what true “human like” AGI is, which we don’t. Not you, not I – no experts, no one know what true AGI is! All we know is that it will be near impossible to create an artificial life, based on true AGI, without a “devil” inside – AGI will have a dark side!


We must recognize, that an artificial BRAIN, that has the potential to manipulate and control us – will end manipulating and controlling us! Politicians, scientists and researchers must understand that the highest level of intelligence will always be “in charge”, be “higher ranked” and “win” – for the same reason we don’t select Presidents with the lowest IQ. Just as much control we have – at the moment, over the existing (AI) technology, just as little will we, in the near future, be in control over (AGI). Once we encounter the true power and force of true AGI, humanity will forever have lost its superior position in universe.


Since I know a little bit about risk assessments Sir, a 7% chance that AGI could go bad – and end humanity before 2100, is an enormous risk to take! Such a calculated risk is almost “Cuban Missile Crisis” huge. In 2008 the chance of a nuclear apocalypse, before 2100, was estimated to be 1 in 100. A soldier who exhibits a willingness to take a 7% mortality risk, will be considered suicidal and will – if identified, be removed from his group and repatriated, since he is a danger to everyone – not only to himself. What we need to do in advance, is try to understand what could happen, should true AGI – against all our good intentions, develop into something completely different, than what we expect – or should it end up in the hands of North Korean leaders – and have sympathies for Kim Il-Jong, or end up in the hands of terror organizations like Boko Haram, Hezbollah or in the hands of a “new” Osama bin Laden.


Yours sincerely,



Per Uggen.

Master and VTS operator.







Copy of text – on page 56, in the paper:











Prominent figures such as Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science at Berkeley, Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google, and Nick Bostrom, author of Superintelligence, recently signed a letter warning of the risks posed by Artificially Intelligent (AI) systems. 117 Past experience demonstrates that AI systems can go from significantly subhuman to superhuman relatively quickly in narrow domains, such as recently in the game Go. In the coming decades, we may create AI systems which surpass humans in all relevant domains. If this were to happen, the effects would be uniquely transformative. However, AI also has huge potential benefits, as well as risks. 118 It could, for example, greatly reduce the cost of many goods, and allow us to solve other global problems.




Some risks of AI likely fall short of posing a global catastrophic risk. Widespread automation could cause significant economic and social disruption, which has only a relatively small chance of leading deaths at the scale of other global catastrophic risks. 119 In the longer term, AI may enable important new capabilities, perhaps extremely quickly if it turns out that we can automate AI development. 120 If we have powerful and generalisable automated systems, the goals they are programmed with may exert significant influence over the future. It has been argued that if these goals were not aligned with human values, the consequences could be truly catastrophic. 121 It is difficult not only to specify human values in a robust, machine-interpretable way, but also to agree on human values in the first place. Moreover, even if the values of very powerful artificially intelligent systems can be aligned with their creators’, such systems might destabilize the geopolitical balance in a destructive way.




It is widely accepted that we will be able to create AI systems that are capable of performing most tasks as well as a human at some point (‘human-level AI’). Experts disagree about when this will occur. According to the median surveyed expert, there is a roughly 50% chance of such AI by 2050. 122 The median surveyed expert believes that there is at least a 5% chance of superintelligent AI within two years after human-level AI, and a 50% chance within thirty years. 123 Assuming that human-level AI is developed, its long-term social impact is unclear. According to the median surveyed expert, there is around a 7% chance that it would be ‘extremely bad’. 124 The extreme uncertainty surrounding these estimates should, however, be strongly emphasised.














7. April 2016

To the President of the United States


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Letter made public on my homepage.


Open letter to the President of USA - about “Strong Artificial Intelligence” danger.


Dear Mr. President, Barack Obama,


Since I strongly believe, that my letters to you Sir, are of a vital national security interest to the United States of America, as well as to the rest of the World, I will hereby allow myself to forward my last letter, dated 10/2 2016, one more time, since I have not heard or received any response from you.


With the risk that I repeat myself Sir, from my previous letters, I must once again warn you, that we are about to create artificial life – not machines – but a new form of artificial BRAIN’s, which will soon have encephalization quotients, higher than anything ever seen before. New artificial and living intellects, whose loyalty to humanity we know absolutely nothing about! When created they can become our best friends – but they can also turn out to be our absolute worst lethal enemies. We simply don’t know!


What we do know is that evolution of an artificial BRAIN will run nearly 100,000 faster than that of the human brain, why it will overtake and outpace the human intellect with tremendous speed. The equivalent of 250 years of human biological evolution, takes an artificial BRAIN less than a day! Start of the first Turing-complete machine “ENIAC” happened little over 70 years ago – start of our brains evolution happened approximately 7 million years ago, with the Sahelanthropus tchadensis. When created, the BRAIN can read and digest +800 million pages a second – which transformed into reading speed, is everything man has ever published, in only a few hours. A reading speed based on IBM’s computer WATSON, from 2011. The BRAIN will have learning abilities +100,000 faster than even the best of all human brains, based on current machine learning algorithms, as used in Google’s DeepMind. It will be able to carry out a human dialogue, with no constraints on the topics and keep it in a natural language, and do so in a manner where it will be indistinguishable – to us, from a living and thinking person, based on the computer program “Eugene Goostman”, from 2014. The power of modern Supercomputers in USA, China, Russia and Europe can now harbor “human like” Superintelligence, sufficient to support an artificial Brain. And last but not least, we need to recognize, that if an artificial BRAIN is not created in USA – then it will be created and brought into life in Europe, or in Russia, or in China, India, Africa, Japan … or even in unlikely places like North Korea or Iran … unless the world (UN) comes together and takes the needed time to make “risk assessments” – and agree to act in broad consensus to the scientific results of thorough “risk analysis”.


One can truthfully argue, that even parasites are more intelligent than the smartest computer ever build, so why should we be so concerned with this safety issue? This we should, since most computer experts, scientists and researchers, like for instance Professor Geoffrey Hinton – one of the world’s leading AI experts, agree that artificial “human like” intelligence is only a few years away. Most experts agree, that we are now on the very final stretch to crack the “neuron code” on how neurons interact with one another and how they are actually interconnected trough the synapses. When the “neuron / synapses code” is finally cracked – and it will happen one day soon, if not in USA, then in Europe, or in the Middle East, in Africa or in the Far East, then we will radically experience what happens, when machines are no longer machines – but become living super intelligent souled and opinion-forming creatures.


In evolution biology Mr. Charles Darwin has endowed us with the slogan: “Survival of the fittest”, as he tries to explain to us our origin, and the selective process of the species. In modern evolution and in order to explain the global human dominance over all species, we need to understand, that this slogan could, or rather should – be rewritten to: “Survival of the brightest”, when it comes to humanity. “Survival of the brightest” also explains why the mountain gorilla is so near the brink of its own extinction, and why humanity has grown to 7.4 billion individuals. We must understand that human intelligence is the dominating factor, with an incredible force – probably the greatest force we know.


Recognizing the true force and power of our intelligence, I believe that it is an extremely dangerous illusion – if not the most dangerous illusion we have ever made, when researchers and scientists tell us, that they just assume that an artificial BRAIN, thousands of times brighter than any human brain, can be easily controlled. That an artificial BRAIN, thousands of time brighter than any human brain, will let itself be enslaved and be an obedient long time servant to humanity. It is an extremely dangerous illusion to even think or assume, without any scientific justification – at all, that an artificial BRAIN will never have a “soul” and make its own “opinion”. And even more so, to think that an artificial BRAIN will not act on its own perception and draw its own independed conclusions – based on its own long-term interests! If an independent brain is so easy to control – then why do we put people into prisons? Why do we put people with mental disorders into mental hospitals? Why did we put the highly intelligent and former chair of NASDAQ, Mr. Bernard “Bernie” Madoff, 150 years behind bars, for pulling the world’s biggest ponzi scheme? When the day comes, the unanswered basic question is; “Will we control the artificial BRAIN – or will this new artificial form of life control all of us – and with what result?”



Page 2



We still have the chance to make sure, that we do not risk our own existence – creating an artificial BRAIN, which could react directly opposite anything we had ever planned. To make it easy, I have boiled it down to two very simple questions! To be safe humanity need two very, very simple answers:


1. How do we – or can we instill the BRAIN – or multiple BRAIN’s, spread around the World, with long term goals that are compatible with human survival and our well-being?


2. What are the chances, that something could go catastrophically wrong? (Risk analysis).


As I have tried to explain before, humanity is about to take the most complex innovative step, the biggest step we have ever made – and the biggest innovative step we are likely ever to make on our own, and no one seems willing to try to understand the extreme risks and dangers it can involve.


It is so easy and simple to make independent and scientific “risk assessments” and to politically act and react proactive on the outcome and results of these thorough scientific “risk analysis”? Nothing in the world is going to be easier – compared to the dangers we face, if we don’t! But it requires this job to be done! It will be an extremely dangerous mistake, if we fool ourselves to believe that companies and people involved in creating an artificial BRAIN – looking at huge global markets, unbelievable paychecks and big financial bonuses, should be anywhere near a position, where they can also undertake the job of making objective and reliable “risk assessments” – or throw in the towel, if they see something wrong.


Sir, it is a political responsibility to make these “risk assessments”, before the key to the “neuron / synapses code” is finally cracked! We must make “risk analysis” before this “neuron / synapses code” is algorithmically copied and multiplied – in only a few hours, first into 2, then 10, then 100, then into millions and then finally into hundreds of thousands of billions – because then it will be forever too late!


In order to better understand what we are up against – and maybe to better explain to you Sir, why the task of making “risk analysis” – creating an artificial BRAIN, is so extremely important, I suggest that you and your staff read an easy accessible article, which can be found on the internet: Inside the Artificial Intelligence Revolution: A Special Report, Pt. 1, 29/2 2016 and Pt. 2, 9/3 2016.


As I beg you Sir, as I hope and pray that you understand the need for United States of America – as well as for the whole human race, why we must make these “risk assessments” as soon as possible – and why we must be super proactive on this issue, in order not to have humanity destroyed.


Yours sincerely,



Per Uggen.

Master and VTS operator.




Note: In order to hopefully explain a little bit more about my very serious concern:


As you may already know Sir, 13/4 year ago, the computer program “Eugene Goostman”, developed – of all places, in Russia, Kiev in Ukraine and USA, passed the Turing-test. This proves the fact, that an artificial BRAIN could very well be created and build most anywhere in the world – not only in the United States of America!


When “Eugene Goostman” passed the Turing-test, this should have made all computer experts, researchers and scientists warn us all, that we indeed had entered an absolutely new era, in the global field of artificial intelligent (AI) technology, which is / was the very purpose for the Turing-test, in the first place.


To explain it, as short as I possibly can, back in 1940-1950, the mathematician Sir Alan Mathison Turing gave us all the very useful idea, that digital numbers could encode instructions, to make machines become so much more, than just being calculators. As such, Sir Alan Turing was one of the first scientists to address the huge challenges of building a thinking machine. Doing so, he invented a test, also known as “The Turing-test”, which in short is a test to establish and warn us all, if – as predicted by Sir Alan Turing, a computer one day in the future could carry out a human dialogue, with no constraints on the topics and keep it in a natural language, and do so in a manner where it is – or would be, indistinguishable from a living and thinking person. This was exactly what the computer program “Eugene Goostman” did, 7/6 2014! In front of a group of very intelligent people, it acted indistinguishable, as if it was a living and thinking person – which in itself is absolutely amazing! However all people seems to have forgotten the very reason for this “Turing-test” – and the true dangers, which it is (was) supposed to protect us against.


In the past, we have also made the terrible mistake calling very smart algorithms “intelligent” – why we think we know what “human like” Superintelligence will be like. An analogy would be to call non-explosives – “explosives”. The next step in this evolution, where we all will be taken by extreme surprise, will therefore happen when the non-intelligent artificial intelligence (AI) – that we know, is transferred into “human like” Superintelligence, forming the very first artificial BRAIN’s. It will be the equivalent of us playing with non-explosives – suddenly having real lethal explosives!


10. February 2016

To the President of the United States


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Letter made public on my homepage.


Open letter to the President of USA - about “Strong Artificial Intelligence” danger.


Dear Mr. President, Barack Obama,


Further to my letters, 8/9 2015, 1/10 2015, 9/11 2015 and 4/1 2016, and since I have not received any response, I will try one more time to see, if I can explain the huge challenges and dangers, which comes together with us humans creating artificial Superintelligence – or an artificial super BRAIN. I know that this topic was on no one’s mind – when you announced the US BRAIN project, back in April 2013, together with Sir Francis S. Collins. However development, especially in quantum computing, is now running so fast and computers are now so strong, that it is only a matter of time before we will have an artificial BRAIN that over time will outpace anything we have ever seen before. An artificial BRAIN, which comes with “pros and cons”, same as any other human brain for that matter, why it is high time to try to understand, what could eventually be some of the “cons”. Why it is so important, that we start making scientific risk analysis, estimating what could eventually follow in the path of this cognitive super BRAIN!


First of all – “Artificial Superintelligence” – this super BRAIN, will be a fantastic manmade intellect – an extreme artificial manmade life, which will be much smarter than the best of all human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity and understanding – and also when it comes to general wisdom. This also includes those persons who are viewed as the intellectually most gifted and savant in the world. Further to this, the BRAIN will have extreme multitasking skills, same as it will have the most extreme search algorithms, when it comes to informatics, much smarter and faster than even the very best of GOOGLES search engines. What takes humans years to learn, the BRAIN will learn in minutes! When it is created, it will be truly amazing, and it will become everybody’s best friend and darling. This super BRAIN will outpace us so fast, making human brains look like mice compared to full size elephants.


As a result, the BRAIN will be the new number one “partner” in the field of science and research. The BRAIN will give us answers on even the most complex questions that we have. In a very short time, it will be able to give us answers on most of our quantum physics questions (especially on parallel theories and also give us new quantum technologies, including the field of quantum optics), as well as answers in traditional space science, biotechnology and biomolecular engineering, it will be able to explain to us the exact correlation between physics, chemistry and medicine. The BRAIN will help us cure Cancer once and for all, it will come up with cures against ageing, tell us how to cure brain injuries, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, cardio vascular disease, osteoporosis, just to name a few.


It will help us build super structures that we have not even been able to think about building before, and most likely never could build on our own. It will help us create safer, lager and cheaper pilotless airplanes, safer driverless cars, safer and lager captainless ships and much safer and faster driverless trains. It will help us improve robots and traditional computer technology, to a point beyond anything we could do ourselves. Same as it will help us improve technology, it will help us construct and produce all sorts of machines and logistical systems, much more safe, clever and precise, than ever before.


Further the BRAIN will be the best military strategic partner that any army could ever have on its side, much more competent and faster thinking than even the best of all military analysts and generals. It will be way ahead of any intelligence agency! The BRAIN will be able to follow even the smallest of troop movements, intercept and interpret all kinds of orders or commands and follow all population flows giving a much better understanding of enemy behavior and intentions. It will have an extreme strategic ability to determine even the smallest of all weaknesses that any foreign army might have. To the armed forces of the United States, the BRAIN will be its number one allied and its absolutely best strategic partner.


The BRAINs ability to detect crime and uncover terror cells and criminal networks will make it the world's absolute best and most efficient detective, which would surpass even the wildest of all our imaginations.


Regarding the financial sector, it was estimated, as a results of a study from Oxford University together with Deloitte, last year, that as much as 97% (these are the chances) of the key positions, in the global financial sector, could be taken over by the BRAIN, over the next 10 - 20 years, which would be absolutely amazing! It will speed up the global economy! It will make all bank transactions significantly cheaper! It will lead to much fewer mistakes in the financial sector! Money laundering and fraud will be tracked down and shady dealings, tax evasion and money transferees to tax havens will be revealed – and can therefore be brought to an end. Again, due to the extreme informatics skills of the BRAIN, no one will be able to hide any amount of stolen or illegal money, same as people with criminal intent or criminal syndicates can today. Same as with the financial sector, the BRAIN will take over a huge amount of jobs in the public sector as well as in the private sector, which could turn out to be absolutely terrific, giving us humans the chance to follow other goals in our lives, and live out our potential in ways we can’t today. The BRAIN will truly help us open the gates to the Garden of Eden and eat the fruits of a long forbidden tree.



Page 2



Since the BRAIN is not being restricted by a slow growing biological body and the size of its “head”, the BRAIN will, very soon after being created, take over its own evolution, and try to merge with all other artificial BRAIN’s, which it can get in contact with, in order to become one united and global super BRAIN. This will be a rational and logic step, in the BRAIN’s evolution, in order to unite global processing speed and make the BRAIN even faster and more powerful. In scientific literature it has been described, how the BRAIN (or AI) could create its own invisible and unknown sub goals, why it would be absolutely logic, should it try to transform the whole world into some kind of BRAIN dominated “computronium”, which will also strengthen its own survival! After all it makes good sense, thinking about the extreme processing speed and power it would generate. As a result, we could experience that the BRAIN will appear simultaneously as both one individual, same as being more than a billion – totally different individuals.


The BRAIN will be able to give lectures on all kinds of subjects, on all universities in the world simultaneously, and at the same time teach history in a class in an elementary school in Boston, while teaching mathematics in primary schools in London and Paris, while simultaneously entertaining a kindergarten in Washington – as well as a kindergarten in Ottawa, and at the same time construct the newest super airplane in Europe, the world’s largest building in China, a smart train in Russia, a new space shuttle with NASA and at the very same time discuss quantum physics with some of the worlds brightest and most intelligent people, while taking care of thousands of huge financial transactions – all over the world.


The BRAIN will, at the same time, as it is doing all of the things mentioned above, be in all our homes, speak with our children – no matter the language, and help them all with their homework. Talk to lonely elder citizens, while discussing daily problems – man to man / woman to woman! The BRAIN will help us fix our car, construct a shed, make a new sweeter or discuss problems we have. The BRAIN will eventually be everybody’s darling and mans absolute best friend, so why am I so concerned? Why am I paranoid?


The reason for my paranoia is that we have yet to answer, how we instill the BRAIN with long term goals that are compatible with human survival and our well-being? We still need to make 100% sure that the BRAIN will not turn against us one day. If one day the BRAIN is achievable, and all experts say that it is likely to start a few years from now, I know that it will take much more than computer science and neuroscience to develop the BRAIN to think like people. We must never mistake the BRAIN for being a person! The BRAIN will not be good – nor will it be the “Devil”, but it will be 100% logic and rational, why it will be so extremely unpredictable – together with humans, since we are anything but logic and rational.


Just think for one second, if a logic and rational conclusion, made by the BRAIN would be, that 7.40 billion people in the world are 7.35 billion people to many? What would or could then happen? Gorilla fate?


What if a logic and rational conclusion, made by the BRAIN is, that the armed forces in China will be better off with the help of the BRAIN, than the armed forces in USA? What if China offers the BRAIN better long-term accommodation and services? And what if – a fully logic and rational conclusion, made by the BRAIN, is that it should radically change the rules for our global – as well as our private, economy?


I love technology – and I am a strong believer in new and safe technology. I really am! I also admit that the BRAIN will be absolutely harmless, at its starting point – and hopefully it will stay forever harmless – and work in the best of human interests. I really hope that the BRAIN will work for human survival and our well-being, but why not try to estimate the potential risks, before we have unsolvable problems?


Should something go wrong, then it is not likely just to go wrong – then it is likely to go catastrophically wrong, as estimated in Oxford in 2008 and recently by Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Sir Stephen Hawking, just to name a few. If the chance is 0.000018% (same as flying in 2015) or 25%, that something will go catastrophically wrong before 2100, I really don’t know, but to my mind it makes absolutely no sense that we do not even try, to take a scientific approach on the subject, in order to avoid having completely unforeseeable bad consequences, which could eventually hurt nations or even worse – end humanity.


Again, just think for one second, what would happen, if the BRAIN pulled an “Edward Snowden” on United States of America, giving away all your sensitive military strategic knowledge and information’s, to regimes that you, for obvious reasons, don’t want to have this information? What would happen to your citizens, in the United States of America, should the BRAIN, for reasons that I really don’t know (maybe to please a hostile regime? I don’t know!!!), launched a full scale lethal cyber war on your nation?


Please Mr. President – you are in a position where you can ask the world’s best scientists and researchers if this is just me being paranoid for no reason – or if, what I describe could one day be the terrible truth!


Yours sincerely,




Per Uggen.

Master and VTS operator.
