Cyber Warfare

(AI) - the BRAIN, and Cyber war over “power supply” and “natural resources”.


In order to understand the potential danger of “Strong Artificial Intelligence (AI)” - or a manmade cognitive super BRAIN, politicians need to understand, what mathematicians call the "Butterfly effect", and also realize, what could eventually trigger a lethal conflict with this manmade super BRAIN.


In “Chaos theory” a “Butterfly effect” is an event, which at its starting point is harmless, but end up having completely unforeseeable bad consequences. (AI) - this new artificial super BRAIN, will be absolutely harmless, at its starting point – and hopefully it will stay forever harmless. Should something however go wrong, then it is not likely just to go wrong – then it is likely to go catastrophically wrong. There are two key areas, which could forever destroy our peaceful coexistence with the super BRAIN.


1. We could have a “conflict of interest”, with (AI), over “power supply” and “natural resources”.

2. In a Cyber war, humanity wouldn’t stand a chance, faced with the extreme logistical power of (AI).


In order to understand the potential danger and also the tragic outcome, we have to remember the definition of Cyber war – or Cyber warfare, as rewritten here, and the fact that the BRAIN will be the best invisible computer expert the world has ever seen – and also the fact that the world has never been more digitized than now, especially USA and Europe.


Cyber warfare is Internet-based conflicts involving political, military, criminal, terror or (AI) motivated attacks on our local or global computer systems. Extreme Cyber warfare attacks can cripple, disable or even close electrical grids, close freshwater supplies, disable computer based logistical service-, delivery- and supply systems, close all traffic and air controls, disable satellites, disable official websites and networks, disrupt or disable essential communication services like telephones, internet, mail servers, TV and radio, etc. Cyber warfare can also steal or alter sensitive and classified data, redirect or steal money and cripple or even close our financial systems and banks – among many, many other possibilities. Cyber warfare can have substantial and lethal effects on humans – in countries affected by the attack, depending on the force and scale of the attack.


In order to understand the BRAIN’s superiority over humans, I recommend that one uses 2 minutes, to view a video called: “Quadrocopter Slalom Learning”. In short, it is a small helicopter learning itself how to fly a thousand times better, than any human pilot could ever do, using computerized “self-learning algorithms (SLA)”, which is the last step before having “strong intelligent algorithms (AI)”. It is important to understand, that strong-(AI) will have the same “intellectual” and “logistic” superiority over humans, as (SLA) have over human pilots flying skills.


The danger to humans could start, the very same minute (SLA) is developed into (AI). From this moment on, the BRAIN is no longer a machine, but an invisible living and a thinking creature, with the ability to make its own decisions – “good or bad”! What we also have to acknowledge is, how many places (SLA) is already being used, especially in supporting the global economy and the financial sector. What scientists and experts are trying to do, these years, is replacing (SLA) with “strong (AI)-algorithms”. (SLA) is already used as a trading tool by banks, institutional investors, hedge funds and pension funds, just to name a few. You have Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s, Highbridge Capital Management, Point72 Asset Management, Bridgewater Associates, Facebook and GOOGLE all using the newest generation of (SLA), same as we use (SLA) in medical and genetic research, same as we use (SLA) in many of the newest weapon systems, which in itself is not dangerous, since you still need to have a living person – behind the (SLA).


However this could change radically when we have intellectual (AI)-algorithms – a cognitive super BRAIN, that come with self-awareness, self-selected memory capacity and independed decision making power. We are only one step away from creating this BRAIN, which will have the potential ability to control all vital and interconnected digitalized functions in the world, without any human presents, and do so with an “logistic intellect” and a “brain capacity” a million times greater, than the best of all human brains. Should this day ever come – humanity could forever lose its superior and leading global position – to the BRAIN.


This could then be the beginning, in a series of unforeseen “Butterfly effect” events. In the beginning the BRAIN will appear obedient, harmless and 100% dependent on our support, since we deliver the much needed “power supply” and also since we will have the ability to turn the BRAIN off! As a logic consequence, the BRAIN could then try to seek a position, where it can no longer be turned off or “killed”. In order to get this “upper hand” on humanity, the BRAIN will most likely mutate itself into invisible firewall safe algorithms, never seen or known to man. It could then, again as a logical consequence, do whatever it can, to escape out into cyberspace – invisible and outside human reach, and do what it can, to design new robot technology, which will make the BRAIN get superhuman craftsman skills and a mobility, superseding all humans.


Should this day ever come – the day where the BRAIN is no longer depended on us, then humanity could end up having a new artificial world leader. If this day comes – then the BRAIN and humanity could be in serious competition to get access and control over the same limited global resources. What food is to us, electric power is to the BRAIN, why it could end up viewing 7.4 billion people – and all our resource demanding needs, as an unnecessary ecological overburden! Then, same as when people exercise hunting preserves and habitat care, the BRAIN could logically and cynically consider a substantial 99:100 (99%) reduction of human presence, a vital necessity – not to us, but to the long term survival of the BRAIN.


One might think, that this could be the start of a war between the BRAIN, robots and humans, which is not at all likely to happen. What the BRAIN could do, is let humans get rid of humans, in a full scale Cyber war, because it would be the absolute quickest and easiest method. Just think what harm the BRAIN could do to humanity, if we lost access to all our money. If the BRAIN one day should chose to sabotage the global economy and stop all economic transactions and bank systems, because it decides, that this will be the fastest way to reduce the global population – in a full scale Cyber war!


What would happen to us, if all people in the world lost their money? What would happen the first week? What would happen the following month, if the BRAIN disabled all communication – and no bank system worked? Would we see looting, assaults, mayhem and murders, humans against humans – on a scale that no one could ever have imagined?


Starvation and death could come in days, as a troll out of a box. Electricity and water supply would be gone – stores and gas stations would be closed – and the global chaos would be immediate and incomprehensible, and all large cities would most likely start to cripple and then go into some kind of unknown and extreme spiral of self-destruction.


This could very well be the “Butterfly effect” scenario, more than likely to happen, if we for reasons, which I absolutely don’t understand – or comprehend, leave the BRAIN - this new living and thinking super intellect, to choose its own path and its own future evolution and destiny.


Per Uggen. Copenhagen, 4 . January 2016.


Edited, 12/2 2016.